Friday, 30 December 2011

Brook''s Room Inspiration

We moved into our home a month ago, and so far I haven't done much by way of decorating. We had a tight budget this month so there wasn't extra for purchasing non - necessities, and I was busy hosting Christmas and dealing with a personal crisis.

Now that all of those things are over with, (well we still have to work with a budget but I have some moolah at least now!) I am super excited to redo Brook's room! Her closet is slowly filling up with my pile of things for her new space . . . I have an adorable chandelier, paint, some frames and random decor things. Her bed is being built next week by my husband, and after that I just need to purchase her mattress and bedding and figure out a window treatment. I can't wait to get started!

I've been collecting inspiration pictures for a while. I want something adorable and girlie, but something that is not babyish and also has a lot of my style thrown in so the room flows with the rest of the house.

This room from Jennifer Johner is my favorite!

Loving the embroidery hoops with fabric . . . from here

So pretty!

I'm currently testing out this wall color in my living room, but love the photo for nursery inspiration to!

Definitely doing my own version of this cute print!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

December Favorites

1. Puppy Chow. I make it every year at Christmas, but this year I was trying to be cheap so I added popcorn to the bowl as the cereal was almost $6 for a small box! It was even better and I will definitely do it again next year!

2. David's Tea. I've been a fan for a long time but I received some of their holiday teas as a present and I am loving both Sleigh Ride and Snow Bunny. I also got Hot Toboggan but to be honest I'm sort of meh about it.

3. My burlap stockings from the Ruffled Daisy on Etsy. She was a pleasure to work with. My stockings were custom made for me and in the mail in only a couple of days, and they are beautifully made! I picked her in the first place because her burlap stockings were the only ones on Etsy not wayy overpriced but I think I was very lucky to have chosen her! Highly recommend this seller and I'm planning to order a burlap table runner from her next year!

4. Revlon Colorstay Foundation. I've been using this foundation for a few years and I have always liked it, but I never realized how truly great this foundation was until I strayed. It's almost $20 a bottle which seems like a lot for drugstore makeup so I cheaped out a while back and bought a $12 Covergirl foundation that had been a favorite in high school. It had almost no coverage and was so watery, I hated it and went back to my Revlon. I had a Maybelline foundation kicking around my purse from a while back and tried that one for a few days too and absolutely hated it. Nothing compares to my Revlon! It's thick and creamy which means it has wonderful full coverage which is great for me since I have a ruddy complexion. It has great staying power and doesn't have any weird smells or shimmer, which I hate more than anything in the world. Seriously why do they put shimmer into foundations now?

5. The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall. I got it for Christmas and I am only about halfway through but really enjoying it. The last few books I have read have been total duds and I was starved for something, anything well written.

6. Lush Ocean Salt and Lemony Flutter.
The staff used this combo on me last time I went to the store....I already use both products but have never used them together like this before. I got new pots of both products for Christmas, hooray! It's the BEST for dry chapped hands. You must try. Seriously. Next time you see a Lush store go in and ask them to do this for you and you will be in love! Here's a Youtube tutorial on the treatment.

Spend Less, Give More

Of course I found this on Pinterest . . . so fitting!

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Spend Less, Give More

I've never really done New Year's Resolutions before. Oh sure I've decided I wanted to lose weight, or set "goals" like buying a house or getting pregnant  . . .but usually things that were already in the works or I had been preparing for a long time already. I'm in the camp that New Year's resolutions are mostly hokey and something that no one sticks with anyway, so why bother?

But this year, I have a definite New Year's resolution. Well, it's not really a resolution as much as it is a phrase . . . maybe I should call it a motto? Or maybe I should go with Ali's idea and just say it's my word for the year?

It all started a few weeks ago when our pastor did a sermon on spending less and giving more this holiday season. I'm sure pastors everywhere gave similar versions, as did many grandmothers and moms and teachers . . . I think spending less has become something of a motto itself around Christmastime now.

But he said something that really struck a chord with me. It was something along the lines of "We were MADE to serve and to give, not to consume." I could not stop thinking about that. And the theme of "Spend Less, Give More" was carried on at church leading up to the holidays, each week speaking to me more and more. That phrase was rolling over and over in my mind all month long. The Mister and I talked about it and found some ways to give - we donated a little money here, dropped cash into the pots of the bell ringers outside of Walmart, helped an old lady with her groceries.

On Christmas Eve our church set a goal of raising $10,000 to drill a well in Africa for a village without clean drinking water. We gave cash; maybe not much to some people but it was a lot for us and our budget. As we watched a video showing children in Africa dancing and splashing in the spray of clean water after receiving their well I felt really good that I was helping such a great cause.  I would even go so far as to say that I was feeling pretty good about myself.

We had a lovely Christmas and both gave and received all sorts of stuff that we didn't need.

Today I went shopping. The week after Christmas is like Black Friday in Canada, full of amazing deals you will never see again all year. I had been saving some money I had earned by selling things I didn't want anymore on a local swap site, and so I bought some new clothes at %70 off, and used gift cards to get a pretty light fixture and paint for my daughter's room. I was really enjoying an afternoon out to myself when I pulled into my favorite store.


Winners is one of those discount department stores that has designer brands and great stuff, all at discounted prices. I LOVE to shop there, it's where I buy most of my home decor and a lot of my cosmetics and clothes.

I pulled into the parking lot, pull out my wallet and  felt that little butterfly feeling of excitement that I get when I am on the hunt for great deals. I opened my car door, and I saw it.

Giant red signs, plastered in every window of the store.

And on those signs the words "Spend Less, Give More"

This year I have decided to make that phrase my resolution. I'm not saying that I won't ever spend money on frivilous things or that I planning to give away all my posessions. But I feel like I need to work on being less selfish and have my eyes opened to more ways that I can help and serve others.

Here's to a year of giving more and spending less!

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Bits and Pieces

 - Yesterday was my last day of work; I'm closed next week, partially due to the fact that I only had 3 children schedule to attend, and partially due to the fact that I really need a break. I am so excited to be able to leave the house next week while it's still light out! Usually when I have time off I spend as little of it as possible at home. We'll be out shopping and visiting and going for walks for the next 10 glorious days!

 - Brook said "I love you" properly for the first time last night. And it was to her grandma, which made it even better. She's almost two but has still been saying  "I shoo shoo" for some reason. Last night clear as a bell it came out "I luff you". As soon as she said it everyone cheered which made her say it again 3 more times! Most wonderful sound in the world.

- Today I'm baking muffins and breads for Christmas morning breakfast, grocery shopping, wrapping the last few presents, and going to finish decorating and deep clean the house. Whew!

 - The Mister and I opened our gifts last night. The last few years we have done it on Christmas Eve after going to the Christmas Eve service, because we usually have company for breakfast on Christmas morning and like to do it privately with just the two of us. This year we are going to a party before AND after the service, so we decided to do it on the 23rd. It felt weird opening gifts so early but it was so fun and always a special time for us. We sit in front of the tree with Christmas music on and get to relax and open our gifts with no distrations or commentary from the audience who would be watching us if we waitied for Christmas morning.

- We moved into this house almost a month ago and I still cannot find my bread pans. I had to bake my banana bread as muffins which annoyed me because I was picturing a plate of nice bread slices on the table Christmas morning.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

What To Get Your Daycare Provider or Child's Teacher For Christmas

I run a daycare in my home now, but previously I was a preschool teacher, a daycare worker in a large center, and a nanny.

I've gotten many, many gifts from grateful parents over the years. Some, amazing and memorable. Others...donated to the goodwill. Sorry....I winced as I wrote that, but it's the truth. There's only so many Dollar Store Christmas mugs one woman can keep!

Teachers and daycare workers are so hard to buy for, I get it. You don't really know don't see a lot of signs about their life or their personal taste when you get 5 minutes with them each day in the context of their workplace. But yet you want to get them something they will love, and that will convey the message that you appreciate all their hard work!

ANY gesture is much appreciated, whether we find the gift useful or not . . . just knowing that you thought enough of us to do something nice is enough to make me feel really special. EVEN if it's another Dollar Store Mug, haha.

So what do you get? Here are my suggestions from years of experience and dozens of gifts opened!

1. Cash. Cold hard cash. I ONLY recommend this gift if this is a person whom you "pay" and can just add in a little bonus. Handing Johnny's third grade teacher a 20? Not so cool, and awkward too. But tacking on a little extra to your daycare provider's cheque is a really lovely thing to do.

2. Gift cards. Honestly, even if you only have $5 to spend, I'd rather get a small gift card to a store I like than another cheap box of chocolate. My favorites to receive are gift cards to coffee shops, a gourmet tea store nearby, book stores, or even good old Walmart! Don't feel bad that you can't afford a $25 card and worry that you will look cheap by just giving 5 or 10 dollars on a card. Something thoughtful and useful is so appreciated, regardless of it's $$$ value.

3. Cards and letters. If you can't afford a gift but want to do something, do this. Save the money you would have spent on that little chocolate or the dollar store mug (what is it with the dollar store mugs, anyway?) and buy a card. Or just let your kiddo color on a sheet of paper and write on top...

I have received some lovely cards over the years and I still remember how they made me feel and which parents wrote them. Hearing how appreciated you are is brings me to tears when I read that you loved the last art project I sent home or that you are grateful for the field trip I took them on last fall. Take the time to write a few paragraphs and I can guarantee they will be thrilled, whether or not a gift comes along with your note.

4. This one is more pricy, but I have received it a few times and it's always been thrilling! A gift certificate to a salon or a spa. I opened a card once and found a gift certificate for a pedicure inside and almost cried right there. I was so tired, so burnt out, so have a parent pay for me to be pampered like that was really moving.

5. Something your child has made. I have two artist canvases hanging in my daycare. Both were painted by children I had taught in preschool a few years ago and I treasure them still. Their mom wrote their names and the date on the back and I proudly display them! I had a wooden frame on my desk for a few years that was painted by a child and adorned with foam letters spelling out my name...I put a photo of my class inside and it was truly loved.

6. Candles, home decor items (I've received a board with my last name painted on it, some willow tree figurines, Christmas decorations, tree ornaments, and a cookie jar) GOOD chocolate, plants, bouquets of flowers, a pretty scarf or mittens.

If you have several (Or a LOT) of people to thank and they all work together, consider a group gift. Have your child give each of them a thoughtful card, and then arrange something for everyone to enjoy together. Bring a tray of cookies. Buy a fruit basket or edible arrangement. A round of drinks from Starbucks. A box of donuts. Basically food, haha. You could ask the director or principal if there is anything needed for the staff room...a new tea kettle or coffee pot perhaps?  Arrange for chinese food to be brought in at lunch time on the last day before the holidays...that one was a HIT at my school a few years ago.

Things to steer away from . . .

These are all perfectly nice gifts. If you choose to give them, I am sure they will be appreciated and received gratefully. These are just the things, in my experience that are given en masse and I usually end up overloaded with and receive duplicates of.

1. Mugs. Mugs with stuffed animals in them. Mugs with hot chocolate powder in them. Empty mugs. Mugs with chocolate in them. Mugs with a plant in them. Mugs with chocolate covered spoons in them. Mugs mugs mugs.

2. Chocolates. Now, I appreciate GOOD chocolate or a really nice little gift basket of treats. And I LOVE homemade treats if they are from a parent I trust...homemade anti pasta, salsa, cookies..mmmmmm. But the $3 box of generic brand chocolate that when I open it will be all white with age and taste like wax...seriously save your money because I just feel like a jerk tossing it away and all I really wanted from you was a sweet card and a hug!

3. Bath products. My bathroom looks like Bath and Bodyworks exploded in it after Christmas. Not that I don't like me some bubble bath, but there can be too much of a good thing sometimes. And when I get 10 of the same gift, I forget who gave what rather than your gift being memorable and making me think of you every time I use it. If you want to give me something to encourage me to pamper myself, get me a gift certificate to a spa or salon. $10 towards getting my hair cut is awesome!

And if none of these suggestions appeal to you, then purchase something for your child's classroom. A couple of new books with an inscription inside, a basket full of glue sticks, pom poms, and pipe cleaners, or a bag bursting with new supplies for the teachers' desk like post its, white board markers, pens, and highlighters. Even daycare teachers use a lot of these things!

Happy Holidays! And don't forget to thank the special people in your child's life!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Christmas In My Dreams

Christmas is officially 6 days away. And I feel ready...mostly.

Ok, somewhat.

Ok a little bit.

Ok not at all.

We are hosting Christmas this year for the first time. I'll be working up until the evening of the 23rd and the 24th is already booked full of parties and the Christmas Eve service at church. My house is a mess, I don't have any food prepped and I haven't even finished decorating the house.

But yet I have visions of hosting the perfect Christmas. The beautifully decorated home, music playing, candles glowing...greeting guests at the door perfectly coiffed and wearing an apron.

Triumphantly carrying a perfectly golden turkey to the beautifuly laid table, being relaxed and happy and basically the perfect hostess.

Why do I do this to myself when I know what the reality is?

The reality is, that my house will not be any more decorated on Christmas Day than it is now. I don't have the time or the energy by the time I am finished work and have cooked dinner.

My first time cooking a turkey means that I have a 99% chance of overcooking it and having it be dry.

I have people arriving at my door at 8 am that morning, so most likely I will sneak away at some point during the present opening to have a quick shower and throw my hair in a ponytail.

Realistically I will be happy if I get all the gifts wrapped and have all the food on the table! So why do I do this to myself and dream/imagine about how the day will go, and somehow turn myself into June Cleaver? I know darn well we will be eating dinner on borrowed folding tables that have mismatched table cloths, so why am I picturing a beautifully laid table with crystal candlesticks and a centerpiece?

I always do this when I host something. I long for the money, time, and supplies to throw a beautiful bash but I have a dollar store budget and I can't even make it to the dollar store after work before they close!

Regardless of how my holiday ends up looking...I know it will be a good one, and that's all that really matters.

                                              Happy Holidays!